Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No "Burp Back" Education

I completely agree with Dr. Strange's article about "burp back" education, I went to a small school where teachers were old fashioned and used old fashioned teaching methods. Even into high school I remember the teachers were more concerned with the class being quite and doing a test or handouts so they could do what they wanted, rather than the teacher standing and having a real discussion with the students. The high school I attended had a drop out rate of half of each class because students could not pass the graduation exam, simply because teachers did not want to teach. Now as a student at a University I see what I missed in elementary school and even into junior college. As a future teacher I hope to bring new teaching methods to my class so that I may help others learn more and actually retain the information. I had a history professor explain to me one time the importance of history is not exactly being able to tell what event happened, when and where, but rather why is happened and the outcome of it. After hearing that I realized how often facts are pushed into students heads and what good are facts if you know nothing about them?

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